Dry Bag Handlebar Bags are an excellent way to carry lightweight camping equipment on the bike, however they often lack the ability to access any essentials that you may need whilst on the move. The Glove Box Handlebar Bag Organiser was developed to solve this issue.
The use of 1oz Dyneema and VX21 makes Glove Box a light weight, weather resistant and a stable option for carrying snacks, phones, cameras and other items that need to be accessed rapidly.
A YKK Aqua Guard zip reveals the Neon Yellow liner making it easier to locate smaller items. On top is a shock cord assembly panel, be creative with this feature.
Staying visible is crucial when pressing on in low light conditions, the Glove Box features a 1oz Dyneema shielded reflective panel across the front.
Weather Resistant XPAC VX21 shell.
0.6mm Polypropylene Main Wall.
Visible Neon Yellow liner.
YKK® AquaGuard Zip.
Zip Cover.
Shock Cord side stabilisers.
Top Panel Shock Cord Assembly.
Dyneema reflective panel.
Dimensions: 240mm width x 140mm length x 55mm height
Mfr Claimed Weight